每天微习惯打卡养成记 2023新春庙会 It sfleeting,redcherry,greenbanana,andicepeach
#每天微习惯打卡养成记# #2023新春庙会#
It"s fleeting, red cherry, green banana, and ice peach. The old year is about to say goodbye to us, and the new year is coming. Stop our busy steps and welcome the New Year with joy. On the 24th of the twelfth lunar month, we wish you all good luck, good health, success and family reunion.
I believe that everybody wants to succeed , but how can we be successful ?
我相信每个人, 都想要成功,但是我们如何才能真正成功呢?
I think that we must keep working hard to achieve our goals and it always begins first with a baby step.
我想 : 我们必须继续努力, 学习和工作,以实现我们的目标,而且这一切总是首先, 从一个小小的婴儿步骤开始的。
Baby steps are the first steps we take as an act of faith. As we grow, we continue our development by taking extra baby steps.
这些小小的, 首先要鼓起勇气, 来踏出的一步步,我们把它们作为人生行为的信仰,人生要勇于踏出,小小的开始的第一步。当我们成长过程中,我们会通过采取额外的,其他一步步努力,持续不断着人生的进步。
Sometimes we fall, sometimes we fail. After that, all steps become an act of faith, we just become more practiced and confident. And we all know that practice makes perfect!
在这个过程中,有时候我们可能会摔倒,有时候我们也可能会失败。坚持住, 在那之后,所有的付出,一步步都会变成, 一种坚定行动的信仰,我们就变得更有经验和自信。而宝贵的经验和强大的信心,能让我们熟能生巧,一直走向成功!
So, let"s take those baby steps to reach the goals. As we become more experienced, our baby steps become a walk, then a jump, and finally a sprint.
所以,让我们采取这些小小的, 婴儿步骤来达到目标。当我们变得更有丰富经验时,我们的婴儿步, 就变成了一次走路,然后是一次跳跃,而最终本质上是一次冲刺!
I think that"s how our baby steps lead us through the long marathon of life.
我认为: 这就是从我们最初的婴儿的脚步,如何能够带领我们,最终成功地度过漫长人生的马拉松!
Life all the way, step by step, step by step scenery, step by step sentiment. Years have never treated us badly, but sometimes we draw the ground for ourselves and imprison the steps of moving forward with our hearts. In life, don"t let your heart be confused at any time. If you don"t want to be tired, you should learn to see all the complexity more simply. If you look down on right and wrong, it doesn"t matter; Put it down, success or failure, gain or loss is just like that. If one day, tired of the life of fresh clothes and angry horses, you will find a small town with birds and flowers, only one porridge and one meal, and plain heart to plain people. Through the time between your fingers, ignore the fleeting fireworks, taste the quiet years, and the scenery in your heart is the landscape that will not change in life.
和我的视频(s 143)对应的文本
s 143
植物的茎 树干 叶柄 茎状物
the stem of a wine glass
a long-stemmed glass
to stem the flow of blood
止住 堵住 塞住
stem from 源自
stench /stentʃ
臭气 恶臭味
stencil 蜡纸 模板
stenographer (美) 速记员
stenography 速记
step 步 步幅 脚步声 梯级 台阶
take two steps forward and two steps back
the door is three steps away
it"s just a step from my house to his
be careful of the step outside the door
she was standing on the church steps
a flight to steps led up to the house
our first step 步骤 措施
we should take steps to help them
a fast step 舞步
do you know this step
in step 步伐一致
out of step
step by step 逐渐地 一步步地
watch one"s step
走路放心 做事小心
to step forward/aside
跨步 迈步 走
she stepped on a loose stone and twisted her ankle
step into the house
step out of line
step down/aside
下台 让位 辞职
he stepped down from his position as president of the company
step in 干涉 介入
mother stepped in and stopped the children from fighting
step up 增加 加速
to step up the work
stepladder 活梯
steppe 无树木的大平原